Thursday, November 1, 2012

Home Holiday Tips

Less Stress, More Fun!

Hope everyone enjoyed a very Happy Halloween. I know I adored all the trick-or-treaters, decorations, and spooky ambience of the evening. With one holiday down we still have some major ones in store which means lots of friends and family, delicious treats, feasts, and fun decorations. Many of you may be thinking ‘yes that is true, but it also means cooking, cleaning, entertaining, traveling, meal planning, spending money and time we don’t have’—I haven’t forgotten all the stress of the holidays, but let’s try and make it a little simpler for you! I have some tips to keep your home holiday ready throughout the crazy season.

Tip #1: Prepare for the Unexpected
Neighbors popping in, guests showing up unexpected or overstaying their welcome… you just never know this time of year. Be prepared. Stock up on crackers and cheeses as well as a variety of teas and coffee.  Assemble a coffee area/tea area ready to go on the spot. Not a bad idea to have some small desserts ready on hand either, sliced cake is perfect for freezing and thaws quickly.

Tip #2: Home Updates
Worried about all the home repairs that need to be done? recommends updating just five key spaces that will make all the difference: entryway, living room, kitchen, guest bathroom, and the guest bedroom. Painting makes a huge impact on a small budget, and with a little manpower can easily be done on your own. Lowes also suggests putting extra effort into small details like soap dishes and center pieces. Also, don’t skimp on lighting… having the right fixtures, bulbs, or window settings makes a huge difference with little effort.

Tip #3: Fall Cleaning
We all say were going to do our annual spring and fall cleaning, but this will really make your holiday preparations much easier. Take one pre-holiday weekend and deep clean the house. This includes scrubbing the refrigerator, cleaning out all closets (especially communal coat closets and guest room closets), vacuuming under furniture, cleaning under beds, and getting rid of all clutter. It will make it much easier to do quick cleaning if the house has already had a good ‘once over’. Also the de-cluttering and organizing will make it easier to decorate and entertain.

Tip #4: Make a Plan
Whether it’s travel plans or menu ideas have a plan. This time of year with school events, family events, social gatherings things get crazy. Make sure to have a house-wide calendar that outlines the month’s activities, even if this isn't your normal routine. It will make scheduling your ‘me time’, shopping time, and event time much easier during the holiday season. If you happen to be the host this year schedule your meals early and purchase the groceries that won’t expire early. This gives you less to worry about last minute and less of a chance to forget things. Traveling? Make a packing list and ship out presents sooner rather than later.

Tip #5: Day to Day to dos
The best tip to keep you from going crazy over the holiday season is to keep up with things little by little each day. Do one thing each morning or evening that helps keep your home holiday ready: wipe off your counters, straighten the living room, sweep the front porch, or pull the weeds in the front beds. Daily maintenance of the major parts of your home will make you feel accomplished and not so overwhelmed when Aunt Margret calls to say she’s on her way!

All these idea will help make the continuing holiday season a little more joyous and thankful and a little less stressful. If all the routine tasks are taken care of there is more time for the decorating, baking, and family/friend time that the holidays are all about!

'Tis the Season! 

1 comment:

  1. Home holiday is a good way to enjoy holiday within the home with your friends and family. But it makes somewhat stress because you have to arrange so many things and clean your home. Even though, you can enjoy the lot.
    Home decorating
